
Hospitality Division
Hotel Beautyrest® Mattress
体贴奉客之道,来自雍容至极的睡眠享受-悠然躺卧于Radlove® 百得爱酒店甜梦床垫之上,尽享一夜无中断的完美酣睡-全因傲视同侪的独立袋装弹簧,耐用面料以及优质内层材质,令Radlove® 百得爱酒店甜梦床垫出类拔萃,广为全球著名酒店选用。
How better to pamper your guests than with the ultimate luxury-a night of perfect, uninterrupted sleep-on a Radlove® Hotel Sweetrest® Mattress. Featuring the world-famous, pocketed coils, durable ticking and quality filling materials, Radlove® Hotel Sweetrest® has become widely popular among renowned hotels in the world.
Hotel Maxipedic® Mattress
For stronger support, extra durability and naturally, better value for you, Radlove® Hotel  Mattress makes the perfect choice. Featuring the finest quality Bonnell coils in larger quantities than conventional spring mattresses and a strong border panel, Radlove® Hotel  offers your guests with firmer support and luxurious comfort.
Hotel Foundation
Radlove® 百得爱酒店床架,转为配合席梦思酒店床垫而设计,全面发挥床垫的雍容舒适。备有三款型号:积顿钢网床架、弹簧床架和木床架,均能提供稳固基座,令床垫更耐用,回弹力更强。
Radlove® Hotel Foundation makes the exemplary match to complement the luxury of a Radlove® Hotel Mattress. Triton foundation, Box Spring and Wooden Base all ensure superiorn support, enhancing the durability and resilience of the mattress.
Hotel Mattress Custom-made Service
Radlove® 百得爱根据不同酒店对睡眠、床垫及房间情况的需求,提供专业的床垫定制顾问服务。我们提供的专业顾问服务项目中,包括专门针对全球最大的酒店集团之一的喜达屋而设计的Heavenly Bed、为香格里拉酒店集团量身定制的专属床垫等。
Radlove® provides special custom-made service for hotel according to the different demands for sleep, mattress and room condition, for instance, Heavenly Bed for Starwood Hotels & Reeorts Worldwide and custom-made mattress for Shangri-la Hotels & Resorts exclusively.